Company’s Name
I, Masahiko Yoshii, give the company’s name 5 meanings below.
Make You Together & Touched:
meaning our mission
Maximize Your Talents,Treasures & Tribes:
meaning that we help our clients marketing their products and services as their treasures made by
their talents with our best talented team.
Masahiko Yoshii is Top:
meaning my determination
that every buck stops with me -
Masahiko Yoshii with
TOW spirit:meaning the spirit grown
through my career in TOW
Company -No1. Independent
Event Management Company
in Japan- its name stands
for Top Of the World -
Masahiko Yoshii to Takato
meaning my will to show my
son,”Takato”, how one should
make challenge in the life,
and to be responsible for
next generations

The company’s log stands for MYT with the composition of septagon and
Caduceus- the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology.
Caduceus is recognized symbol of commerce and negotiation, two realms in
which balanced exchange and reciprocity are recognized as ideals. It is a
short staff entwined by two serpents surmounted by wings.
The wings stand for transcendence, and the staff means power. Two
serpents stands for complementary pairs in the world such as male
& female,good & evil, darkness & light.
Septagon has seven sides and seven angles. The number 7 indicates the
senses of a change after an accomplished cycle and of a positive renewal,
and is also perfect number and symbol of the divine abundance. Symbol of
the totality of the created Universe (3 the sky + 4 the earth), it expresses
the creation within which the man evolves.